Monday, October 24, 2011

Putting Pinterest to Practice...

What good is Pinterest if you don't put those ideas to use, right? This weekend I decided to put some of my pins to the test.

First, I decided to make my friend Whitney a jar for her kitchen originally found here


  • Glass jar
  • Chalkboard spray paint
  • Plastic animal hot glued to lid
  • Red spray paint

To make this was easy. I hot glued a plastic animal to the top of a glass jar. I spray painted the lid and the animal shiny red and also spray painted the sides of the jars with chalkboard paint so that she could change the label to reflect what treasures she has inside. So easy!

I was pretty pleased with how it turned out.

For my next project, I decided to master the ever illusive photo transfer as seen here. I tried it on a mat board but plan to make a couple out of canvas since it turned out so well. I used a picture of Luke from last Halloween that I happened to have on my computer at school.


  • mat board
  • 5x7 laser print out
  • gel medium
  • spray bottle filled with water

To do this you have to print your photo on a laser printer, a xerox printer will not work. After you print out your photo, cover your canvas (or mat board) with a thick coat of the gel medium. Once you have coated it, you will put the image face down onto the canvas. Smooth out the picture so it adheres well. After you have waited about 4 hours, get your spray bottle and spray the back of the picture with water. Let it soak in. When the picture is thoroughly wet, use your finger to rub off the back of the paper. Do so gently and it will leave the transferred image behind. It will start to rub the image off if you press too hard or do too much. A little bit of removed image helps give it a distressed look. You might have to re-wet the image to get all of the paper off. Once you are finished, give it one final coat of the gel medium to bond it to the canvas. Voila! Now you have a beautiful transferred image.

I can't wait to make some transferred images canvases for Pierce's new room.

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